Video from space
Video of your product or brand in the stratosphere is a unique service from Strato.
We will send your object to an altitude of up to 40 kilometers, and onboard cameras will capture the flight from takeoff to landing.

A video of your object in space will attract media attention, promote brand awareness, and expand your audience. Launch your brand into space today ?.
Media about Team Strato

Space for business owners
Do you have a product, a budget, but no idea how to advertise it? We know exactly what you need!
Space for business owners
- Mass media attention
- attracting a wide audience
- live broadcasts
- exclusive media content.
The result is up-selling and brand awareness.
Space for startups
Tear up Kickstarter and Indiegogo – launch your product into space.
Space launch is:
- A bright media event that will be picked up with interest by the latest and most technological resources..
- Up to 4 hours of high-quality 5K and 360°video of product in space for your Kickstarter advertising and video.
- A way to impress investors
- A way to stand out from boring startups and much more!

To Advertising agencies
Offer your customers a new reality in which they shoot a commercial at an altitude of up to 40 kilometers.
We will help you develop an advertising campaign for the client’s brand and make your dream come true.
Why do you needA video from space?
Upgrade social networks
Multiply your Instagram, Facebook and Youtube subscribers.
Attract media attention
A bright media event that will be noticed by the media.
Get high-quality content
Hours of 5K and 360° video, photos of the object against the background of Space, Launch Video.
Outperform your competitors
Set your own rhythm for the development of your field of activity.
Level up
«Our development has been in space. And yours?» — said one PR Manager to another.
Simply - this is space
A historic moment for the brand, a reason to be proud and remember.
Launch displayed in numbers
kilograms — the average weight of the object
kilometers average flight altitude
thousands of people watched the launch of the M1
hours of video material from each launch
persons in the launch team
8 reasons to getVideo from stratosphere

Unique placement
A brand that has a shot at space in Ukraine!

The perfect media event
News of the stratospheric launch will disintegrate in the media at lightning speed.

Audience attention
Attracting the attention of an audience, including progressive and young people.

Unique content
Create unique content – launch videos (5K + 360 °) and product photos in the stratosphere, against the background of the Earth from space.

Brand in the spotlight
Your brand is the main character of the launch.

Engaging your audience
Connect with your audience during launch, Youtube broadcast, Instagram TV.

Try a new approach
Move away from standard solutions.

Space is trending
Everything related to space is constantly covered in the media.
What can be launched into the stratosphere?

Smartphones and tablets

Electronics of small size

Equipment and 3D models

Tickets, postcards, and photos

Gifts and giftcards

Toys and Sporting Goods

Books, magazines

Clothing and jewelry

Food and fastfood

Beverages and alcohol
Stratospheric launches
Launches do not harm the environment. HAB returns to Earth in full configuration. 90% of HAB elements are reused.
Absolutely safe and documented
All launches take place far from populated areas and air routes. Each launch is approved in a number of authorities and supported by documents.
Interesting to watch
We will make an extremely interesting event out of a “usual” stratospheric launch for your audience.
Developing solutions

Get our presentation
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Video from space in 2021?
Advertising is present everywhere: in movies, on TV, on the internet. Advertising and marketing agencies around the world shoot videos and write advertising texts, come up with new promotions to attract the audience’s attention, increase brand engagement and recognition.
Advertising has reached space long time ago. Astronauts of NASA and Roscosmos take popular products of well-known brands with them to the ISS. They make branding of space equipment and even Rockets.
The Strato Ukraine team provides an opportunity for brands to advertise their product in space. It’s safe, it’s legal, it’s affordable.
How does it work?
What we mean by advertising in space is a video shooting service in the stratosphere, the material (photos and videos) that we shoot by raising the HAB with the product to a height of 30-40 km (100 000 – 130 000 ft).
The flight lasts one and a half to two hours. During this time, the HAB travels enormous distances, reaches mind-boggling heights and experiences conditions as close to cosmic as possible – pressure 1000 times lower than at sea level and temperature – 60 °.
After reaching peak altitude, the helium-filled shell collapses and the balloon begins to descend, at an altitude of 12 km the parachute opens and the entire structure lands smoothly. The Strato search team finds the HAB and extracts the footage.
On-board video cameras shoot in 4K, which allows you to convey the entire scale of the event, displaying the product against the background of the Earth globe, a thin blue layer of the atmosphere and Endless Space. It is possible to use cameras with a 360-degree round-up.
Stratosphere or space?
Until 2021, the boundary between the atmosphere and space was considered the Karman line – a conventional line that runs at an altitude of 103 kilometers, but recent observations of scientists have helped to draw conclusions that negate this conclusion, the boundary of space has moved 20 km lower – the official boundary of space is at an altitude of 82 kilometers.
Only HAB can reach heights of 30 to 45 kilometers and hang there for a long period of time.
The Strato team launches high-altitude balloons for research and advertising purposes. High-altitude balloons are a multifunctional tool for scientific and marketing activities.
Our mission is to make near space accessible to all comers. In addition, among the priority tasks, we see the development of the aerospace sector in Ukraine and abroad.
+38 (099) 048-61-11
Address in Kyiv:
st. Leiptsyzka 3-a. Kyiv
Unit City, st. Dorohozhytska, 1. Kyiv